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The references are to English translations where possible, but in many of the sagas the text will be found printed on the opposite page. References to the Táin Bó Cúailnge are to Dunn's translation, The Ancient Irish Epic Tale, 'Táin Bó Cúalnge,' London, 1914. Reference is made to many of the stories mentioned in this index in the list of principal stories (prímscéla) which are said to make up the repertoire of a file. This list occurs on fo. 151a of the Book of Leinster and is printed by O'Curry in Appendix LXXXIX (p. 584 ff ) of his Lectures on the MS Materials of Ancient Irish History (Dublin, 1878) References to all the heroes mentioned below will be found in Thurneysen, Die irische Helden- und Königsage (Halle, 1921).
Ailbe 'fair woman,' the name of Mac Dathó's hound; common also in place-names. For the finding of Ailbe and its presentation to Mac Dathó see the "Death of Celtchair mac Uthechair" transl. by K. Meyer in Royal Ir. Acad., Todd Lecture Series, vol. XIV, p. 24 f.
Ailill etc.; gen. Ail[il]la; dat. Ailill. King of Connaught, husband of Medb; a contemporary of Conchobar mac Nessa of Ulster und Curói mac Dári of West Munster. His rath was at Cruachan Ai in modern Co. Roscommon. It was in his reign that the Táin Bó Cúalnge took place. English transl. by J. Dunn (Nutt, London, 1914); L. W. Faraday, Cattle-Raid of Cualnge (London, 1904).
Anlúan, one of the Connaught heroes. It is stated that in the Book of Druim Snechta, a lost MS believed to date from the first half of the 8th century, after the death of Cormac Conloinges at Da Choca's hostel Anlón, són of Doiche, son of Maga, took his head to Athlone. See "Da Choca's Hostel," transl. Stokes, Revue Celtique, vol. XXI, p. 391. Cf. however Thurneysen Die irische Helden- und Königsage, p. 16 note.
Áth Luain, the modern equivalent is Athlone, on the borders of Co. Roscommon and West Meath.
Áth macLugnai: i.e. "Ford of the son of Lúghna" at Clonsast, King's County (Hogan), on the N.E. branch of the Gabhal-- an inference derived no doubt from its position in relation to the other places on Ailbe's route. This ford is also mentioned in a poem by Dubhthach Ua Lugair in praise of Crimthann, a king of Leinster in the fifth century. See O'Curry, "MS Materials," pp. 5, 486.
Áth Midbine is mentioned in the story of the Great Battle of Mag Muirthemne. Cf. Thurneysen, Irische Helden- und Königsage, p. 556.
Belach Mugna, modern Bellaghmoon in the south of Co. Kildare.
Bile, i m-Biliu. The name occurs in the form a Feraib Bili in Rawl. B. 512. Meyer identifies with the barony of Farbill, Co. West Meath.
Blai briugu, mentioned in the poem on the hostels of Ireland. Cf. p. 5 above. The adventures of Celtchair mac Uthechair in his hostel and the subsequent death of Blai are related in "The Death of Celtchar mac Uthechair," in "The Death-Tales of Ulster Heroes," transl. Meyer, R.I.A. Todd Lecture Series, vol. XIV, p. 25 ff. Reference is probably made to some version of this tale in the "Tragical Death of Bla Briugad" mentioned in the list of principal stories (prímscéla) in the Book of Leinster, fo. 151a (see O'Curry, MS Materials of Ancient Irish History, p. 588 f.). Many of the other stories referred to in this appendix are mentioned in the same list.
Brefne, Co. Leitrim and Co. Cavan cf. Mac Dareo.
Bricriu mac Carbaid, surnamed Nemthenga 'poison tongue.' He frequently appears in the Irish Sagas as a mischief maker, and inciter to combat. See especially Bricriu's Feast, ed. with transl. by G. Henderson (Irish Text Soc. 1899); Táin Bó Cúalnge (transl. Dunn), p. 169.
Cell Dara, modern Co. Kildare.
Celtchair mac Uth[echair], an Ulster hero. Cf the Táin Bó Cúalnge, p. 328. He figures as the owner of a magic spear in Da Derga's Hostel. The saga of his death is transl. by Meyer in "The Death-Tales of Ulster Heroes," R.I.A. Todd Lecture Series vol. XIV, p. 24 f., where he is said to have died from the touch of the blood of his dog Dóelchú.
Cet mac Matach pass. a hero in the following of Ailill and Medb, though of Munster family. The saga of his death in single combat with Conall Cernach is translated by Meyer in "The Death-Tales of Ulster Heroes," R.I.A. Todd Lecture Series, vol. XIV p. 36 ff.
Conalaid. Unidentified, cf. note s.v. Can the Luachair here referred to be Slieve Logher, a mountain range dividing Limerick from Kerry and extending into Cork?
Conall Cernach, the greatest of the Ulster heroes of the older generation. He is frequently spoken of as being absent on long journeys and arriving home at the critical juncture as here and also in "The Fate of the Children of Uisneach" (cf. s.v. Conchobar). Cf. Táin Bó Cúalnge, p. 336 f. The saga of his death is transl. by Meyer, loc. cit.
Conchobar mac Nessa, King of Ulster, and son of Cathbad the Druid. His seat was the Craob Ruad (the modern farm of Creeveroe), the House of the Red Branch at Emain Macha. He was ruling in Ulster when Ailill and Medb led the Táin Bó Cúalnge against him. He had previously displaced Fergus mac Roich from the kingship. Cf s.v. Ailill, Medb. The story of his birth is translated by K. Meyer in the Revue Celtique, vol. VI, p. 173 ff., and the R.I.A. Todd Lecture Series vol. XIV, p. 1 ff. respectively. For his death see E. Hull, Cuchullin Saga, p. 267 ff.; O'Curry, MS Materials etc. Appendix CXVI, p. 637 ff., cf. further Stokes, Ériu, vol. IV, p. 18 ff.
Conganchness mac Dedad. Uncle of Cúrói mac Dári. For an account of his death see K. Meyer, "Death Tales," p. 27. The Clanna Dedad was situated in the neighbourhood of Slieve Luachra. Cúrói mac Dári was at their head with his stronghold at Tara Luachra. They are a heroic clan analogous to the Clanna Rudhraige of Ulster under Conchobar mac Nessa.
Connacht (Connaught), one of the five chief provinces (fifths) of Ireland. Cf. Lagin. The seat of the rulers, Ailill and Medb, was at Cruachan Ai. Cf. Ailill. The form of the pl. gen. is Connacht, dat. do Chonnacht[aib]; acc. Connachta.
Crimthann nia Náir. In the Annals he appears as son of Lugaid Riab n-Derg, the friend of Cuchulainn. He is said to have married a supernatural being called Nár. A romantic account of him is given in the Annals of the Four Masters (ed. O'Donovan, Dublin, 1856), vol. I, p. 93. The years of his reign are given as 8 B.C. to A.D. 8. Cf. also Keating, History (I.T.S., vol. II, p. 235). It is evident from the gnomic character of his utterance in our passage that he was regarded as a sage, at least in after times.
Cruachan, Rath Cruachain, now Rathcroghan, Co. Roscommon, the royal seat of Ailill and Medb. See Annals of the Four Masters, s.a. 1223. It is commonly referred to in the sagas as Cruachan Ai, a word of uncertain origin.
Cruachnaib Conalad. Cf. note s.v.
Cruachniu mac Rúadluim. Cf. note s .v.
Cualu in gen. Cualand, the south of the modern Co. Dublin and north of Co. Wicklow.
Cúrói mac Dári, a king of the Clanna Dedad in West Munster, husband of Bláthnat of the Isle of Man. She was in love with Cuchulainn and helped him to slay Cúrói and was herself slain by Ferchertne, Cúrói's faithful poet, in revenge for his master. His story is narrated in outline by Keating, History (I.T.S.), vol. II, p. 223 f. Cf. also "Eulogy of Cúrói " in Ériu, vol II, part I, p. 1 ff.; "The Tragic Death of Cúrói," ib p. 18ff; "Brinna Ferchertne" in Zeitschrift für celtishe Philologie, vol. III, p. 41 ff. Cf. also "The Intoxication of the Ultonians," transl. Hennessy in Royal Ir. Acad., Todd Lecture Series, vol. I, part I.
Cúscraid mend Macha, a son of Conchobar mac Nessa, fostered by Conall Cernach; mentioned in Conchobar's suite in Bricriu's Feast, ch. 12. Cf. also the "Siege of Howth," Rev. Celt. vol. VIII, p. 61; Táin Bó Cúalnge, p. 319.
Da Choca, a smith and the owner of the hostel in Sliab Malonn in East Connaught in which Cormac Conlonges and his suite were attacked by the men of Connaught as they journeyed from Cruachan Ai to Emain Macha to Cormac's coronation. Da Choca was also himself slain in the attack. See the story of the "Hostel of Da Choca" transl. Stokes, Revue Celtique, vol. XXI.
Da Derga, the owner of the bruden in Co. Dubiin in which Conaire Mór, the son of Etarscél, was destroyed by Ingcél, an outlawed prince from Britain, and a band of Irish outlaws. Cf. the Annals of Tigernach (Revue Celtique, XVI, p. 406), Keating, vol. II, p. 232. His saga is transl. by Stokes, Revue Celtique XXII. See further Ériu, vol. III, part I, p. 36 ff.
Drochet Cairpre 20, Drehid, near Carbery, Co. Kildare (Hogan).
Druim Da Maige, 'Hill of the two plains.' O'Donovan identifies this with Drumcaw in the barony of Coolestown, King's Co.; Hogan places near and s. of Co. Kildare. (See Annals of the Four Masters, s.a. 1556 p. 1543, note m.)
Echbél mac Dedad. Cf. Táin Bó Cúalnge, p. 329, where Errgé Echbél is among the Ulster heroes described by Fergus to Ailill. Cf also Bricriu's Feast, ch. XII.
Emain Macha. Cf. Conchobar, Ulad; a large rath, now known as Navan Fort, about three miles north-west of the modern Armagh. See the "Death of the Sons of Uisneach," transl. Stokes, in Irische Texte, 2nd series (ed. Windisch, Leipzig, 1887) and the 17th C. text published by the Society for the Preservation of the Irish Language, Dublin, 1914. See the description and plan of the rath by H. d'Arbois de Jubainville in the Revue Celtique, vo1. XVI, p. 1 ff.
Eogan mac Durthacht, one of the Ulster heroes. Cf. Táin Bó Cúalnge, p. 320. He it was who slew the sons of Uisneach. See Oided mac nUisnig (Windisch, Ir. Texte 2 Ser.). See also Bricriu's Feast, chs. 3, 4.
Ériu, 'Ireland'; gen. na hErend, Erend, h-Erenn, dat. i n-hErind.
Falmag Meyer and Thurneysen regard this as a poetic name for Ireland, i.e. the plain of Fál (cf. Inis Fáil, Falga, and cf. Henderson's ed. of Bricriu's Feast, p. 142). Cf. however note s.v.
Fergus mac Léte, king in South Ulster shortly before the time of Conchobar, according to most authorities. The home of his family is traditionally assigned to Dun Rury, Dundrum Castle, Co. Down, though he himself is generally associated with Emain Macha. His saga is translated by O'Grady in Silva Gadelica, vol. II, p. 262 ff., where his encounter with a sea-monster is related at length. He also plays a part as contemporary king in the "Martial Career of Conghal Cláiringhneach," transl. Mac Sweeney, Irish Texts Soc. His sword, known as the Calad Colg, became an heirloom. Cf. Ferloga below.
Fergus, i.e. Fergus Mac Roich, King of Ulster, dethroned by Concbobar mac Nessa. After the death of the sons of Uisneach who were under his safe-conduct, he left Conchobar's court and spent the rest of his life at the court of Ailill and Medb at Cruachan. I am not clear on which side he is represented as fighting here, and his sympathies are always divided between Ulster and Connaught, though ostensibly on the side of the latter. He plays an important part in the Táin Bó Cúalnge.
Ferloga, Ailill's charioteer and armourbearer. His name occurs also towards the close of the Táin Bó Cúalnge (cf. Dunn's transl. p. 352 f.) where he is represented as having charge of Calad Colg, Ailill's sword, which had belonged to Fergus mac Léte.
Fernmag, Farney, in S. Monaghan. The name occurs in the Táin Bó Cúalnge, p. 320, where 'the stout-handed Fermag' (so MSS Stowe and H. 1,13) is located in the north. See also Annals of Ulster, s.a. 1001.
Fid i-Gaible, Feegile in the parish of Clonsast, W. of Rathangan, King's Co. (Hogan). O'Curry refers to the fork of the two rivers which met near Clonsast.
Forgall Manach, the father of Émer, Cuchulainn's wife. See the "Wooing of Cuchullin" in E. Hull's Cuchullin Saga. His rath was at Lusk in Co. Dublin. He is referred to in a poem on the hostels of Ireland. Cf. p. 5 above. See also "Bricriu's Feast," chs. 3, 4 etc.
Lagin (Leinster), 'the men of Leinster,' 'the province of Leinster,' one of the five chief divisions (fifths) of Ireland, the other four being Ulster, Connaught, Munster, and Meath, where the árd-rí or high-king ruled at Tara, at least in later times. Mac Dathó's court is thought to have been in the south of the present Co. Carlow. The form is pl., gen. Laigen, dat. Laignib, acc. Lagniu, Laigniu.
Loegaire, probably Loegaire Buadach, one of the Ulster heroes. Cf. Táin Bó Cúalnge, p. 321. In Bricriu's Feast and the Courtship of Émer he is associated closely with Cuchulainn and Conall Cernach. The saga of his death is translated by Meyer, "Death-Tales of Ulster Heroes," R.I.A. Todd Lecture Series, p. 22 ff.
Loth mór mac Fergusa maic Léti. I do not know who this can be unless he is the father of Cúr mac Dá Lót who was slain by Cuchulainn in the Táin Bó Cúalnge. See Windisch's ed. p. 288.
Luachair Dedad. Cf. note s.v. The Clan Dedad belonged to Munster. For Luachra cf. s.v. Conalaid, and s.v. Conganchness mac Dedad.
Lugaid mac Conrúi, i.e. Lugaid, son of Cúrói mac Dári, a king in Munster.
Mac Dareo, the keeper of the bruden in which the Aithech Thuatha or 'servile tribes' of Ireland massacred the three kings of the free tribes while they were feasting. The servile tribes had as their chief Cairbre, Cat-head, who is identified in this version with Mac Dareo himself, and who ruled Ireland after the massacre. The hostel was said to be situated in Brefne in Co. Leitrim, Connaught. Cf. a translation of the story by E. MacNeill, in the New Ireland Review, vol. XXVI, p. 99 f.; Keating, History of Ireland, vol. II, p. 238f.
Mac Dathó (? 'son of two mutes'), identified with Mesroeda in ch. 3, v. 9. His brother was Mesgegra, King of Leinster (see the "Siege of Howth" transl. Stokes, Revue Celtique, vol. VIII, p. 53). Cf. the passage from the Rennes Dindsenchas referred to on p. 5 above. The court of Mac Dathó was thought by O'Curry to have been situated in the southern extremity of the present Co. Carlow. He possessed one of the chief hostels of Ireland.
Mastiu, now Mullach Maisten or Mullaghmast, Co. Kildare.
Medb (Maeve). Queen of Connacht, wife of Ailill and the most prominent woman in the Irish Sagas. She led the Táin Bó Cúalnge against Ulster. Many stories relate to various episodes in her life. We may mention among others Bricriu's Feast (ed. and transl. Henderson, I.T.S.) "Battle of Rosnaree" (ed. and transl. K. Meyer, R.I.A. Todd Lecture Series, vol. IV); Táin Bó Fraich (transl. Leahy); Mesca Ulad (ed. and transl. Hennessy, R.I.A. Todd Lecture Series, vol. I). An account of her death is given in Aided Medba Crúachan (transl. K. Meyer, Celtic Magazine, March 1887, p. 212).
Mend mac Salcholcán, one of the Ulster heroes identified by Fergus to Ailill and Medb in the Táin, p. 330.
Mide (Meath), the smallest of the five chief divisions (fifths) (cf. Lagin), situated between Uladh and Lagin, with its chief ráth at Tara, ruled over by the árd-rí. Meath came into existence later than the other four provinces. It does not exist as a territorial unit in the Táin Bó Cúalnge which only recognises four kingdoms. The foundation of Meath is ascribed to Tuathal Techtmar in Irish history.
Munremor mac Gergind, one of the heroes of the Ulster army, who is described by Mac Roth to Ailill and Medb in the Táin Bó Cúalnge, p. 321.
Oengus mac Láma Gábaid. An Ulster hero who plays a part in the Táin Bó Cúalnge and other sagas.
Ráith Imgain, modern Rathangan, Co. Kildare.
Róirin, Róirin, Reerin or Reelion, a hill in Co. Kildare.
Temair Lochra, i.e. Tara-Luachra probably in Sliabh-Luachra, somewhere in S.W. Ireland in the neighbourhood of Co. Kerry. Cf. Hennessy's introduction to Mesca Ulad, p. V (R.I.A. Todd Lecture Series, vol. I, part I).
Ulaid (Ulster), one of the five chief divisions (fifths) of Ireland. Cf. Laigin, Conchobar. The Ulster stories of the Heroic Age relate only to a small portion (the south-eastern) of the Ulster of today. On the other hand the Ulster with which they deal stretches further south along the east coast. The form is pl.; gen. Ulad, dat. Ultaib, acc. na hUltu, voc. a Ulto.